The Importance Of Getting Your Photos Out Of The Cloud And Onto The Wall

How many photos do you take a week?
If you have kids or cute pets, then we bet it is a lot!
But, what happens to those photos?
You might set one as the home screen image on your phone, maybe message one to Nana, or post a couple on Facebook.
The rest probably get backed up in your cloud storage and maybe get scrolled through a couple of times a year if you are lucky.
Seems a waste for all those beautiful memories to languish away in a file folder.
Those photos were taken for a reason. To capture a moment in time, to immortalise a feeling of fun, or to remember something you never want to forget.
That is why you need to get your photos out of the cloud and onto the wall…
Family Love
Kids love looking at photos. One of the highlights of visiting your grandparents as a kid was being able to look through their old photo albums. Many happy hours would be spent marvelling what your parents looked like when they were young, pointing at their funny haircuts and laughing at the strange fashion of their youth.
Do you want your grandkids to miss out on this joy (even if they are a long way off yet!)?
There is something special about grouping around a photo album to stare back in time at moments of the past. It doesn’t have quite the same impact when you are crowded around a Smartphone!
Unique Decor
One of the best things about photographs is that they are unique. No one else in the world will be able to create the same feel, personality and look that your photos have. That is great, because a framed photo then becomes a unique piece of decor.
A photo pinned to the wall does not stand out. It also runs the risk of getting damaged. But a photo that is in a beautiful frame becomes showcased as a hero piece of decor. Especially when you select a gorgeous recycled timber frame like the ones here at Wombat Frames. A one-of-a-kind image in a standout frame makes everyone take notice!
The Feel Good Factor
Some days you will feel like nothing is going right. You were stuck in traffic and late to work, you spilled your coffee this morning, the kids are fighting, it’s raining, and you really need a pick me up. Then suddenly, you walk down the hallway and see your photos on the wall. Everyone is smiling and having fun. It is the feel-good factor you need to brighten your day.
Photos can have a positive effect on your mood. Looking back on happy moments can be the boost that your soul needs. A little pause in a cloudy day for a moment of gratitude. To remember how lucky you are to have those moments. If your photos were hidden up in the cloud, you might have nothing to save you from those grumpy days!
Builds Self Confidence
Did you know that children who grow up in a home with their family photos on the wall tend to have better self confidence than those that don’t?
Psychologists have actually studied this very concept. They discovered when the walls are filled with family moments, then children feel a greater sense of belonging. Finding your place in the world can be a difficult task for our young ones, so any way we can help them with their self confidence is great!
It’s A Waste
Probably the most compelling reason to get those photos out of the cloud and onto the wall is that it is such a waste to have them sitting unseen!
By the nature of what they are, photos are meant to be seen!
They remind us of the people we love, the moments we have shared together, the times we have enjoyed and how far we have come over time.
Have we convinced you? Are you ready to get those photos out of the cloud and onto the wall?
Then, check out our range of gorgeous recycled timber frames. They will help you truly showcase your photos in the way they deserve to be seen. Check out the range in store now.
- Gabrielle Marlow
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