How Exciting! Our 9 opening Multi Collage Photo Frame was on a TV Show!

I was taking a moment to chill out as it gets super busy this time of year around Easter. One of those lying on the couch moments with a nice mug of steaming hot tea.
Sometimes it's great just to turn on ABC iview and catch up with a couple of shows. Escape from the City was on last night and there was no time to watch it then. I like the show because it's interesting what people are looking for in a home. Having a nice home as a base for a good life is so important and it fascinates me what different people look for. Also, the different styles of homes that are available in various parts of Australia.
This particular episode is so interesting. It's about a young couple Suzanne and Edgar and their two small children who are looking to move into the Southern Tablelands area of NSW. They have a business making films about sustainable farms to educate others about sustainable agriculture. That is so close to my heart!
Simon and I are very interested in sustainable living ourselves and at our business,Wombat Frames, we make Eco Friendly Picture Frames and Mirrors. These are made out of locally sourced Recycled Timbers. We use solar power for the workshop, sawdust is for the chooks and the garden and so on.
Back to the couch now and my cup of tea.
So I turned on the Show and started watching. It was so exciting because on their wall was one of our Recycled Red-gum Multi Collage Photo Frames. Filled with gorgeous family photographs. Pride of place above the lounge, looking so nice!
I had to pause it and just about skipped to the workshop where Simon is framing quite a few artworks today. He's got a lot on right now.
"Stop Everything for 10 minutes because I have something to show you that will make you smile" I told him, and he patiently followed me. He's such a good Aussie bloke, easy going and kind. It was hard not to tell him what I just saw on TV. So we turned it on and there was one of our frames, a feature frame on the wall of this young family.
You know, it's so satisfying when we see things like that, it motivates us so much, and yes, it definitely put a big smile on Simon's face. He's back at work now, framing original artworks. Using his creativity because each frame is unique. He chooses the timber carefully to compliment the frame.
So here is the link if you would like to see the program and see our frame on the wall in "Escape from the City".
Just in case you'd like to find out more details about the 9 opening Multi Collage Photo Frame, Just click here. Thank you for reading this blog all the way to the bottom.
- Gabrielle Marlow
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